What's Good?: Women of Color and the Academy

Announcing an upcoming panel hosted by Women of Color and the Academy at the GSCO Graduate Student Research Conference.


What’s Good?: A Conversation with Women of Color and the Academy

Friday, March 15
2:45 - 3:45 PM
Room 2346

Laura-Ann Jacobs
Ebony Perouse-Harvey

Asya Harrison

Ashley Jackson
Christina Morton
Naivedya Parakkal
Christine Quince
Jenny Sawada
Crystal Wise

Panelists will share some of their own experiences and strategies for persisting within this predominantly white institution for the purpose of supporting, encouraging, and connecting with other panelists and audience members. We hope that intended audience members will take away some sustaining strategies for surviving and thriving as individuals and as a community. Additionally, we hope that this panel creates a space of love, support, and community within the GSCO Graduate Student Research Conference as panelists and audience members share about their experiences and encourage each other in their personal and professional work.

Our intended audience is those who identify as women of color--this includes graduate students of color and faculty members of color. We welcome audience members who do not identify as women of color or persons of color. However, this presentation intends to feature, center, and privilege the voices and experiences of women of color.

This presentation will be divided into two parts. The first part of the discussion will feature panelists responding to questions generated at a WOCATA core member meeting. The second part of the discussion will include a Question and Answer session with audience members. This second portion of the discussion will be less structured and will invite audience members to ask questions and to share about their own experiences.